Every Conversation with Narcissistic Objectivists: They Punch, You Must Play Nice

It’s every conversation I have with Objectivist men. Well, and women, too, often. They insist you play nice, never insult anyone–but they can do it all day long. Let’ say they say women are parasites or the like, agreeing with the Ayn Rand quote below. I call them a male chauvinist POS. They then cry …

Ayn Rand Calls Out It’s a Wonderful Life as Communist Propaganda

I was doing some research about Rand and various theories about her, and I cam across this: Ayn Rand Helped the FBI Identify It’s A Wonderful Life as Communist Propaganda. Wow. That’s interesting. I mean, it’s a story of a man who got falsely accused of major banking errors, whose life was about to be …

FAQs About the Challenge

FAQs About the Challenge Below is a brief summary of some of my arguments. It’s in response to some of the questions I have received on social media. But this does not replace reading the book. The Challenges to Objectivsm Emotions The Objectivist view on emotions is that we have an emotional mechanism but we …

Other Challenges to Objectivism

Other Challenges to Objectivism People ask me for resources that challenge Objectivism. This will be a growing list of things I find relevant. The Sociology of the Ayn Rand Cult. This was written by Murray Rothbard–a big name in libertarian circles. I can vouch for everything he says here. I also, for instance, get put …

10 Objectivist Blindspots

In my book, Towards Liberalism: A Challenge to Objectivist Ethics, I have identified what I now call “Objectivist Blind Spots.” I have identified 10. Objectivists think they have all the answers to the major, pressing life problems. But like all ideologies, it’s just a thought system that fails to satisfactorily answer the life problems it …

We Are Not Caged Rats (or are we?): We Can Trust Our Emotions

This is the first chapter book Towards Liberalism: A Challenge to Objectivist Ethics. Rand has a very controlling and dominating view of the mind. It’s based on her faulty view on human nature. Rat Park: A Summary of the Challenge My challenge to Objectivism focuses mainly on the role of the mind. Using the psychological …

The Objectivist View on Emotions

5-Part Video Series on The Objectivist View on Emotions As most–including Objectivists–do not clearly understand Rand’s views on emotions, I made these short videos. Each video is less than a minute. There is a lot of misunderstanding of how emotions are treated in Objectivism. Rand has you programming–her word–your emotions. Through your “standard of value,” you …

“NUH UH!” A Sign You are Dealing with a Narcissist

I noticed something on Quora the other night. Quora is a place for anyone to ask a question and anyone to answer. There are many threads about narcissism. Victims of narcissism, experts on narcissism, and narcissists themselves participate in the conversations. Someone asked how going no contact with a narcissist makes them feel. There was …

Arguing Over Words is the Sign of an Ideologue

I have been standing up to ideologies for likely two decades now. After 9/11, I stood up to Islam. After I found most Objectivists I knew to be toxic narcissists, I started standing up to Ayn Rand’s Objectivism. As I realize that religions (all of them) are meant to pacify people to accept the authority …