A collection of articles clarifying–and refuting–Objectivism.
Logic is not foundational to truth
“All resistance to new scientific thought came down to people not wanting to adopt the idea because it defied what their own senses naturally concluded. If you were to go outside today, not knowing any history or math, you would naturally think that the sun revolves around the earth. Your own senses dictate that. If someone comes around to say it’s the other way around, well, if you are anything like what many in history were like, you would vehemently object to it at first. We cannot just rely on “how our brain naturally thinks.” It seems obvious to us—but the truth is not obvious. To open up people’s consciousness, it usually requires a huge leap in imagination. Perhaps we need a huge leap in imagination about consciousness itself to get away from these “axiomatic” laws of so-called logic.
You might notice that I put my discussion of logic in Part III of this book, which is about the applications and conclusions of prior more foundational truths. Rand and others put logic as the foundation of other truths. This is because I do not think “logic” is a foundation for truth. I think the “Axioms of Classical Logic” are more conclusions than they are tools. It is a way of thinking, one taken far too lightly, and used far too liberally. It starts, governs, and ends all modern thought processes—and that’s a problem. I am seeking to shake this up.”
Ted Kaczynski was a cerebral narcissist
A child prodigy, Ted Kaczynski was put on a fast track for academic success, going to Harvard at just 16. He underwent MK Ultra style programming there, but denies it had any effect on him. He does say, however, that skipping the sixth grade, where he was then bullied by his peers, was pivotal for him. This history of being a child prodigy, with its ups and downs, is a known recipe for creating Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Kaczynski targets mainly “leftists” in his manifesto and laments their opposition to “rationality.” I find this odd for someone opposed to industrialization and technology. His writing has Ayn Rand all over it. I discuss how Kaczynski was a classic cerebral narcissist in this article. I hope that much of my writing can reach people like Kaczynski and give them the emotional intelligence tools and perspective they need to turn their genius into a force for good not evil.
“Logical fallacies” are just thought control
If we are going to have an “Appeal to Authority” fallacy, at this point we need an “Appeal to Science” fallacy. “Logical fallacies” are nothing but an attempt at thought control. My work is on moral bias: bringing unnecessary moralistic thinking into decisions, which clouds our objectivity. Deeming some thoughts “good”–logical–and other thoughts “bad”–illogical–is a power move. These “logical fallacies” end up gearing us towards seeing man as science sees man now: as born tabula rasa. Born with nothing. Born ready to take in all evidence and make logical decisions on our own, with no respect that ancient wisdom is already etched in us and traditions maybe matter. I was an Objectivist for 10 years until I had it with their “logic,” which amounted to a lot of gaslighting and abuse.
You do not have to heal a “mother wound.”
The more I dig into trauma therapy, the more I realize how ripe for emotional manipulation it is.
Control archetypes, control humans
Archetypes are primordial images in the mind that carry huge emotional weight. You were likely born really loving your mother and being repulsed by anyone trying to deceive you. Archetypes are essences. Living beings learn what to go towards and what to avoid as they learn and update. Control this and you control humans. Predators don’t want you to see certain behaviors or essences as the threats they are.
The Moral Bias of Covid Narrative
Moral bias follows a predictable pattern: some minor problem sets it off, draconian measure are put in place, and no amount of feedback can alter the course people have adopted. And humanity keeps succumbing to it, over and over.
Objectivists During Lockdown: The Looting Masses are the Problem
Truly God awful government encroachment, tens of thousands of businesses shut down, the wealthier given more “stimulus money,” 35% of all money in existence created in one year, but the main complaint from Objectivists? The checks sent to all people, who were other wise legally compelled to stay home and not work. Now they are starting in on their typical propaganda machine to totally rewrite history as to what just went down. They are truly blind.
Refuting Objectivism is a Bit Like Refuting Communism
Objectivists are hardheaded and difficult to penetrate. I have some experience, however. Dismantling ideologues doesn’t usually come from a detail by detail hashing out of the actual ideology. Usually it comes in how dense the ideologues are, such as the widespread view that communism may sound good in theory but doesn’t work–and its adherents keep wanting to give it “more chances.” It’s similar, in my experience with Objectivism. I offer a 1-2-3 punch: throw them offguard preattentively, show an intolerance for their bullshit, and show you fully understand their argument and ideology. Any persuasion of new ideas can only come after this.
Virtue Signaling: Masks are the New Jesus
Masks are the new Jesus. It allows abusers and dirt bags to claim moral authority. You can beat your wife and kids, borrow with no intention of paying it back, and eat into morbid obesity–but hey, you wear a mask or love the big J! Masks give narcissistic abusers a new moral club.
When Humans Figured Out Paternity, Patriarchy and Eugenics Started
When humans figured out how to trace paternity, women were shackled and eugenics started. Objectivism marches on with this controlling view
Every Conversation with Narcissistic Objectivists: They Punch, You Must Play Nice
It’s every conversation I have with Objectivists. They get to make all the claims they want: women are lazy, parasitical, X is ugly, whatever. If you call them narcissistic, insulting, abusive, or misogynistic, they bury you instantly as irrational, angry, and making ad hominems. They however weren’t insulting anyone. They are just stating FACTS.
Ayn Rand Calls Out It’s a Wonderful Life as Communist Propaganda
Thanks, Ayn! Who would look out for the bankers and against glorification of the working man otherwise?
Rand calls American women, as a whole, “cocktail-party-chasing cohorts.” This blog is very short. Honestly, if you can’t see the misogyny, I can’t help you.
A few thoughts on specific topics related to Objectivism, based on, er, “questions” (more like flaming hot accusations) I’ve received on social media. However. Don’t expect any Objectivist to acknowledge the actual Objectivist positions that I challenge. See the main page of Ex Objectivist for direct quotes from Rand, for those unwilling to look them up themselves.
Objectivist Views on Education
People often think education is the one place Objectivism is strong. I argue it’s the place where it’s the worst. The explicit Objectivist view is to take a child born “blank” and “transform” him into a person fit for adult life. I challenge this most thoroughly. Children are designed well. They don’t need “transformed.”
Other Challenges to Objectivism
A growing list of book, articles, and systems of ideas that directly challenge or are superior to Objectivist thought.
Objectivists think they have all the answers to the major, pressing life problems. But like all ideologies, it’s just a thought system that fails to satisfactorily answer the life problems it says it solves. It just turns into a system of ever expanding rules, domination, and control. As with all poor thought systems, it is in its blind spots that you can dismantle it.
We Are Not Caged Rats (or are we?): We Can Trust Our Emotions
Objectivism is based on the premise that we can’t trust our inner “whims.” As such, we need a disciplining ethics to tame our inner world. But Rat Park experiment counters this. When rats are caged, indeed, they choose cocaine over water to the point of death. But when left to be free in “Rat Park,” where they can roam, play, and have sex, they chose water over cocaine. Freedom is a condition of human mental health and success. Always. Uncompromisingly.
The Objectivist View on Emotions
As most, including Objectivists themselves, don’t understand Ayn Rand’s view on emotions, I made this 5-part video series on The Objectivist View on Emotions. Each video is less than one-minute. Refute them.
“Nuh Uh!” — A Sign You are Dealing with a Narcissist
When you get someone telling you “Nuh uh!” even though you said essentially what they then said, you are dealing with a narcissist. They filter out 80-90% of reality. So they aren’t listening to a word you said. And I get this treatment from Objectivists constantly.
Word Arguing is Always the Sign of an Ideologue
Any time I’ve tried to explain myself to Objectivists, they start word arguing with me. They won’t read any of what I wrote because I used the term “blank” instead of “blank slate” or “tabula rasa.” It’s the same, over and over. Then they accuse ME of being “unable to handle criticism.” It is the sign of an ideologue: they need control over words. And THEY get words wrong. Rand’s definition of “value” was not the dictionary definition and she weights it towards her philosophy of scarcity and the need for productivity. When you deal with people who want militant control over words, you are dealing with an ideologue. Because they effectively shut down language, they cannot be penetrated. And they are hellbent on promoting their ideology. Ideologies are the scourge of humanity.
Throwing a Monkey on Your Back: How Humans Control Each Other
Since Cro Magnon man, humans have been using fear to scare people away from natural resources. It’s no different now. This is how tyranny wins: some made-up boogey man, be it appeasing the rain Gods or God in general, forcing other citizens to literally dance. Only a strong herd immunity against fear will do to stop tyranny. And Objectivism, which says freedom is contextual, doesn’t do that.
Ayn Rand’s Views on Self Defense Were Clear
There is often confusion over Rand’s views on self defense. But there need not be. Her view was clear: you have the right to self defense, but you must delegate it to the government. As is usual, tyrants–and this position is as tyrannical as it gets–come waving the flag of freedom. Read the article for exact quotes from Rand.

Amber was an Objectivist for 10 years until she realized it was failing her. Now she writes about this narcissistic ideology to warn others. No one has refuted her; Objectivists dismiss her immediately and start their smear campaigns. See Towards Liberalism: A Challenge to Objectivist Ethics. We are not born with an emotional blank slate. And this matters profoundly.