Objectivism is by far not the only system that has moral bias in it. But, it is a great system to unpackage in order to explain the idea. Objectivism is as “drive your stake in the ground and fight until you get what you want” as it gets. Objectivism is basically moral bias defined. Rand …
Monthly Archives: March 2022
What is Moral Bias?
Moral bias is when a moral ideal shines so bright in one’s mind that it clouds their objectivity. I developed this idea after noticing it when doing my child development work. I study the age-related “stages” children go through. It is those notorious times when children “act up” at age-related times, but on the other …
Succinct Summaries of the Challenge to Objectivism
This is a continuation of the Preface to The Moral Bias of Objectivism. This is the challenge in bullets and then the challenge at a glance. The Challenge in Bullets The Challenge at a Glance The Challenge in Bullets We are not born tabula rasa. Rand’s definition of “reason” is overreaching and means “the mind …
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The Structure of The Moral Bias of Objectivism
This is the structure to The Moral Bias of Objectivism: How Moral Ideals Cloud Objectivity. Read the start of the Preface starting at the main page of this site, ExObjectivist.com. The Structure of The Moral Bias of Objectivism This book is divided into four parts. In its counter arguments, it follows the structure of Rand’s …
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The Moral Bias of Covid Narrative
I am presenting an idea in an upcoming book that I call moral bias. Moral bias is when a moral ideal seems to obvious, so worthwhile, so necessary, that all objectivity is lost. The path to success is so obvious and necessary that any sense goes right out the window. The damage done on the …
What’s in This Challenge for You?
This is the final section of the Preface to The Moral Bias of Objectivism. Start at the beginning by going to the main site of this page, ExObjectivist.com. What’s in this for you? I admit that I originally struggled greatly with who my target reader is for this book. In truth, it’s unlikely to be …